We are starting to implement a project within the framework of the National Research Program “Decision-making support system for achieving climate neutrality goals”

The Institute of Energy Systems and Environment of Riga Technical University, in cooperation with the University of Latvia, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, and Riga Stradins University, has launched the project “Climate Neutrality Decision Models in Action” of the National Research Programme “Decision-makins Support System for Achieving Climate Neutrality Goals”, which was launched at the project kick-off meeting on 14 March. The aim of the project is to create a single national decision support tool for achieving Latvia’s climate neutrality goal. The main focus will be on modelling the impact of policy decisions in various sectors – energy, industrial processes, agriculture, land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) and waste management. The project will analyse climate policy commitments, assess climate instruments, identify innovative technologies and collect the necessary data over a two-year period. The project also includes the creation of an integrated decision support system using a system dynamics modelling approach that covers economic, social, technological, environmental and climate aspects. In addition, an interactive platform will be developed for simulating climate change mitigation measures, analyzing cost-optimal solutions.

The project will be implemented from February 7, 2024, to February 6, 2026. The total budget of the project is 1,162,500.00 EUR.

Find more information here: https://videszinatne.rtu.lv/en/science/project-and-research/climate-neutrality-decision-models-in-action/

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