We are starting to implement a project within the framework of the National Research Program “Decision-making support system for achieving climate neutrality goals”

The Institute of Energy Systems and Environment of Riga Technical University, in cooperation with the University of Latvia, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, and Riga Stradins University, has launched the project “Climate Neutrality Decision Models in Action” of the National Research Programme “Decision-makins Support System for Achieving Climate Neutrality Goals”, which was launched at the project kick-off meeting on 14 March. The aim of the project is to create a single national decision support tool for achieving Latvia’s climate neutrality goal. The main focus will be on modelling the impact of policy decisions in various sectors – energy, industrial processes, agriculture,.
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Webinar “Role of waste heat in future energy systems” | 23.01. | 10.30-12.30

We invite you to participate in a webinar on the integration of waste heat flow into central heating systems, also referred to as excess or surplus heat. This process is considered a significant step towards climate neutrality, providing substantial savings in primary energy. However, to broaden the utilization of this waste heat flow, it is essential to adhere to specific economic and technical conditions. The seminar will provide insights into the role of waste heat in future smart energy systems, with a particular focus on Latvia, Estonia, and Norway. The presentation will cover key findings from both national and regional.
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Podcast “Life Cycle Assessment and Ecolabelling towards Circular Economy”

Podcast "Sustainable Worlds" episode "Life Cycle Assessment and Ecolabelling towards Circular Economy". Nowadays, consumers are more aware of products' sustainability and circular aspects. However, on the other hand, implementing a substantial environmental strategy that addresses all phases of the product lifecycle is a complex and demanding challenge that several companies still need to overcome convincingly. In this podcast, entitled “Life Cycle Assessment and Ecolabelling towards Circular Economy”, the speakers would like to clarify the use LCA as a quantitative tool to evaluate product’s environmental performances and its role in promoting Circular Economy solutions, Ecodesign and product’s ecolabelling. Participants: Francesco Romagnoli, Dr.sc.ing.,.
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Seminar “BUILDING RENOVATION – A life cycle perspective”

Seminar about “BUILDING RENOVATION - A life cycle perspective” in cooperation with the Polytechnic of Turin (Italy) within the ERASMUS+ academic staff exchange framework. The seminar will be held on the 11th and 12th of April at the Polytechnic of Turin in the classrooms of the Valentino Castle (address: Viale Pier Andrea Mattioli, 39 – 10125, Torino). This two-day seminar looks into energy efficiency in buildings and building deep renovation, analysing technical, economic, and financial solutions. The seminar also goes beyond the simple concept of project appraisal, introducing specific environmental approaches like Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). This seminar introduces the use of two software packages: TRNSYS,.
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Podcasts “Understanding complex dynamic systems in the world”

Podcasts “Sustainable Worlds” about complex dynamic systems The Institute of Energy Systems and Environment of the Riga Technical University in cooperation with the Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Latvia offering a series of podcasts “Sustainable Worlds”. The newest podcast entitled “Understanding complex dynamic systems in the world” is available for listeners. The podcast episode will focus on how we understanding complex dynamic systems in the world. Professor Pål Davidsen from Bergen University in Norway and professor Andra Blumberga from Riga Technical University in Latvia will reflect on topic about dynamic systems. Discussion is moderated by Dr. Kārlis Valters form the.
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ICCEE project e-learning platform

The project Improving Cold Chain Energy Efficiency (ICCEE) aims to turn energy efficiency opportunities of food and beverage companies into actual investments and find out opportunities to improve the overall cold chain steps. With this aim, a full capacity building program dedicated to improving energy performance through direct training and e-learning has been designed and created by a team of experts coming from both the private and public sectors. E-LEARNING PLATFORM ICCEE invites you to participate in our e-learning training course on energy efficiency in food and beverage cold supply chains designed for experts and non-experts in this field. The.
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SWEDA multiplier event, 29.-30. September 2021 at the University of Kassel, Witzenhausen, Germany

Within the SWEDA –project (Sustainable Wellbeing Entrepreneurship for Diversification in Agriculture) partners from Italy, Latvia and Germany develop and test a short term master course, aiming for improvement of entrepreneurial skills of higher education students (EQF 6) and to promote "welfare" functions within agricultural and agri-food enterprises. In particular project’s activities are related to family/individual welfare within social farms, animal welfare within extensive livestock enterprises, and environmental welfare within agri-food enterprises applying the principles of bio-economy and biodiversity. AGENDA OF THE CONFERENCE Please fill out this ONLINE FORM to apply for a conference grant. The deadline for applications is the.
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Podcasts “Sustainable Worlds” about sustainable energy – The newest episode “Historic buildings- heritage and beauty, coziness and warmth!”

Podcasts “Sustainable Worlds” about energy efficiency in historic buildings The Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Latvia in cooperation with the Institute of Energy Systems and Environment of the Riga Technical University offering a series of podcasts “Sustainable Worlds”. The newest podcast entitled “Historic buildings- heritage and beauty, coziness and warmth!” is available for listeners. The newest podcast episode will focus on the energy efficiency in historic buildings. Dr. Ernst Jan de Place Hansen from Aalborg University in Denmark and professor Andra Blumberga from Riga Technical University in Latvia will reflect on topic about energy efficiency in historical buildings. Discussion.
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Ursula von den Leyen’s visit to RTU IESE. The New European Bauhaus States

RTU’s IESE tackles the challenge of combining technology, culture, and nature in one synergy. In the project "Improvement of building energy efficiency Technologies (I-BEET)" (No. 03000-3.1.2-e/163) focused on the transition from traditional to positive energy block we study both existing building stock supporting the Renovation Wave goals and new buildings promoting smarter technologies as well as the use of renewables available on-site. Our work in RTU’s Institute of Energy Systems and Environment always has been focused on human well-being in liveable surroundings without compromise to the environment. It should become the new lifestyle. During the President of the European Commission (EC) Ursula.
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Podcasts “Sustainable Worlds” about sustainable energy – The newest episode “Clean energy- the only way!”

Podcasts “Sustainable Worlds” about sustainable energy The Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Latvia in cooperation with the Institute of Energy Systems and Environment of the Riga Technical University offering a series of podcasts “Sustainable Worlds”. The newest podcast entitled “Clean energy- the only way!” is available for listeners. The newest podcast episode is focused on the challenges and opportunities sustainable energy will feature. Professor Peter Lund from Aalto University in Finland and professor Gatis Bažbauers from Riga Technical University in Latvia will reflect on topic about sustainable energy. Discussion is moderated by Dr. Kārlis Valters form the Riga Technical.
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