SWEDA multiplier event, 29.-30. September 2021 at the University of Kassel, Witzenhausen, Germany

Within the SWEDA –project (Sustainable Wellbeing Entrepreneurship for Diversification in Agriculture) partners from Italy, Latvia and Germany develop and test a short term master course, aiming for improvement of entrepreneurial skills of higher education students (EQF 6) and to promote "welfare" functions within agricultural and agri-food enterprises. In particular project’s activities are related to family/individual welfare within social farms, animal welfare within extensive livestock enterprises, and environmental welfare within agri-food enterprises applying the principles of bio-economy and biodiversity. AGENDA OF THE CONFERENCE Please fill out this ONLINE FORM to apply for a conference grant. The deadline for applications is the.
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Podcasts “Sustainable Worlds” about sustainable energy – The newest episode “Historic buildings- heritage and beauty, coziness and warmth!”

Podcasts “Sustainable Worlds” about energy efficiency in historic buildings The Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Latvia in cooperation with the Institute of Energy Systems and Environment of the Riga Technical University offering a series of podcasts “Sustainable Worlds”. The newest podcast entitled “Historic buildings- heritage and beauty, coziness and warmth!” is available for listeners. The newest podcast episode will focus on the energy efficiency in historic buildings. Dr. Ernst Jan de Place Hansen from Aalborg University in Denmark and professor Andra Blumberga from Riga Technical University in Latvia will reflect on topic about energy efficiency in historical buildings. Discussion.
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Ursula von den Leyen’s visit to RTU IESE. The New European Bauhaus States

RTU’s IESE tackles the challenge of combining technology, culture, and nature in one synergy. In the project "Improvement of building energy efficiency Technologies (I-BEET)" (No. 03000-3.1.2-e/163) focused on the transition from traditional to positive energy block we study both existing building stock supporting the Renovation Wave goals and new buildings promoting smarter technologies as well as the use of renewables available on-site. Our work in RTU’s Institute of Energy Systems and Environment always has been focused on human well-being in liveable surroundings without compromise to the environment. It should become the new lifestyle. During the President of the European Commission (EC) Ursula.
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Podcasts “Sustainable Worlds” about sustainable energy – The newest episode “Clean energy- the only way!”

Podcasts “Sustainable Worlds” about sustainable energy The Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Latvia in cooperation with the Institute of Energy Systems and Environment of the Riga Technical University offering a series of podcasts “Sustainable Worlds”. The newest podcast entitled “Clean energy- the only way!” is available for listeners. The newest podcast episode is focused on the challenges and opportunities sustainable energy will feature. Professor Peter Lund from Aalto University in Finland and professor Gatis Bažbauers from Riga Technical University in Latvia will reflect on topic about sustainable energy. Discussion is moderated by Dr. Kārlis Valters form the Riga Technical.
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Looking back at the international scientific conference CONECT 2021

International Scientific Conference CONECT 2021, organized by RTU IESI has finished!   This year in order to comply with COVID-19 restrictions, the conference was held online combined with on-site presentations from RTU scientists. Altogether we had participants from 24 countries, including South Korea, India, Mexico, also representing different universities from Latvia.  During the first two days of the Conference, scientists gave their presentations on their latest research and results. Following they had the opportunity to test their strength of generating new ideas and use of their knowledge in the creative group event “Apple Garden” and tried to build models to solve institutional.
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Summer School «Bioeconomy. Sustainable Use of Biological Resources» and role game

Bioeconomy is a sector focused on the sustainable use of biological resources by producing products with high added value. Bioeconomy has a great potential reduction of effect to climate change. Processing of resources and production of innovative products is essential to get and use knowledge in cleaner production, environmental technologies, energy efficiency, waste management, and other aspects, using resources effectively and reducing a negative impact on the environment. Implementation of bioeconomy is a key to self-sufficient and sustainable cities and regions. Bioeconomy is an essential part of the circular economy. Bioeconomy defines the aspects of bioresource use and technological problems.
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Online seminar “Financing Energy Efficiency in Baltic countries: lessons learned and future outlook”

Within the framework of the EU Green deal which aims to transform EU economies and achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and Recovery and Resilience Facility in the context of national energy and climate targets, a sufficient amount of investment in energy efficiency, renewable energy projects, and innovative technologies are among the most important issues to tackle.   Therefore, in the framework of the project CIC2030 (Climate Investment Capacity 2030) workshop is organized to bring together policy makers, project developers, researchers, and financiers to exchange on lessons learned and discuss future perspectives on energy efficiency project financing. We invite you to.
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Online seminar “Solutions to reduce energy costs in companies”

When thinking about company development, new markets and new products come first, there often might not be enough time to analyze and work on reducing existing energy costs. Therefore, within the framework of the CIC2030 (Climate Investment Capacity 2030) project, we’re organizing a seminar during which, together with energy sector professionals, we will look at real examples that can help reduce energy costs. Together we will think about the best possible energy efficiency measures in wood processing companies. We invite you to join the online seminar “Solutions to reduce energy costs in companies”, which will take place on December 11,.
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RIBuild project is highly evaluated

The performance of RTU IESE and partners in the RIBuild project is highly evaluated in the European Union; the expected impact of the guidelines and the tools is considered very high, delivered information and knowledge has high quality. The RIBuild project summarizes the latest research on internal insulation in historic buildings, which is one of the most complex energy efficiency measures. Developed guidelines are applicable to historic buildings all over Europe. Anybody with an interest in building physics, retrofitting or energy efficient restoration can benefit from the guidelines. RTU realises this project together with partners from Denmark, Belgium, Germany, Italy,.
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Looking back at the international scientific conference CONECT 2020

In the mid-May we had one of the most anticipated annual events – international scientific conference CONECT 2020, organized by RTU Institute of Energy Systems and Environment. This year it was a great challenge for participants and organisers because the conference was held online due to the worldwide Covid-19 outbreak. Nevertheless, CONECT 2020 conference was successful and fruitful. The conference was attended by 140 participants from Latvia and 19 foreign countries. For two days scientists presented their latest research at plenary sessions, panel sessions and poster sessions. On the third day the conference ended with a discussion on different scenarious.
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